Can You Straighten Teeth Naturally Without Braces

Patients who have severely misaligned teeth May not be able to straighten their teeth without braces that other patients with only slightly crooked teeth may benefit from clear aligner therapy. Clear aligners are especially appealing to adults in the workforce who do not want to have a mouth full of metal and miss work for multiple visits to an orthodontist.

Clear Aligner Therapy

The most commonly known brand of clear aligner therapy is Invisalign. There are a number of other brands on the market whose product works the same and are all a great way to straighten your teeth without braces.

Clear aligners are made from a clear, hard plastic that is custom-made to fit over your teeth. A series of trays will gently and gradually shift your teeth into an optimal position without the use of wires and brackets. The length of treatment depends on the severity of your individual case. Some patients are able to achieve results in six months while others need 12 to 18 months.

Each set of trays is worn for 22 hours per day, only being removed for eating and oral hygiene, and are changed every 10 to 14 days. Once your teeth are in the correct aligned position, you will be given retainers to wear at night to keep your teeth from shifting out of position.

Other Alternatives

If your case is too severe for clear aligner therapy, you may be a candidate for a less visible type of braces. Modern braces are available with tooth colored brackets and white arch wires and are much less conspicuous than traditional metal braces. There are also braces that are attached to the back of your teeth, called lingual braces.

Some patients may consider the option of having dental veneers placed instead of enduring orthodontic therapy. Veneers are made from a porcelain material and are incredibly strong and resist staining and chipping. A gentle veneer is cemented to the front of the tooth and can be a great way to quickly correct a crooked smile.

DIY Braces

In recent years, do it yourself braces have appeared on the market and work just like clear aligners. These are not an optimal choice because treatment is not monitored by a dentist and could pose a risk of irreparable harm to your teeth. Clear aligner therapy is a great option for some patients but it is very important that you opt for a company that is monitored by a dentist on a regular basis.

Benefits Of Orthodontia

The confidence alone that patients gain after completing orthodontic treatment is often worth the effort and cost of orthodontic treatment. What patients may not realize is that the overall health of their mouth can be greatly improved with orthodontic treatment. Patients with severely misaligned teeth often have a much higher risk of developing periodontal disease and decay than those with straight teeth. This is simply because crooked teeth are significantly harder to properly clean than straight teeth.

If you are unhappy with your smile and believe you may benefit from orthodontic treatment, speak with your dentist to see if clear aligner therapy may be right for you!

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