What Causes Crowding Teeth?

If your teeth have grown in incorrectly or you have been in an accident that has misplaced your teeth, you may have dental (teeth) crowding. This can be anywhere from a nuisance to a serious oral health issue that needs to be addressed. If you notice your teeth are crowding, you’ll definitely want to consider your options.

What is Dental Crowding?

Dental crowding is when your teeth crowd together over time. This is generally due to your teeth coming in incorrectly, but it can also be caused later in life by an accident. Generally, crowding is due to your teeth being too large, your jaw being too small, losing your baby teeth early or other abnormalities.

With dental crowding, your teeth don’t have the space that they need, and this can lead over time to the impacting of healthy surrounding teeth and other oral health issues. The lack of space between teeth may make it more difficult to brush and floss, which in turn can lead to tooth decay, cavities and gum disease.

There are some signs that you can look out for when it comes to dental crowding. These include:

  • Crooked teeth
  • Bleeding gums
  • Jaw pain
  • Crossbite
  • Teeth overlapping
  • Trouble with brushing and flossing
  • Discomfort when biting

If you have some or all of these symptoms, you may want to visit your dentist to discuss whether or not you have crowding and what your options for repair are.

How Do I Fix Crowding?

There are a few ways in which your dentist may address your crowding. These include:

  • Braces. One popular method of adjusting teeth that are crowding or otherwise misaligned is the use of braces. There are different forms of braces that may be available, which include metal, ceramic, invisible and lingual. All have their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Oral surgery. Through the repositioning of your bones and gums, your dentist may be able to straighten your teeth. This can allow for a faster straightening process.
  • Extraction. While extraction isn’t always ideal, it may be the only option left if your teeth are very crowded. If you have extra teeth, this can be an excellent option.

Once the crowding has been addressed, you may need some form of aftercare like a retainer. This will keep your teeth from sliding out of place.

What’s the Best Repair Option for Me?

Once you notice the signs of dental crowding, schedule an appointment with your dentist. They can check the extent of the crowding for you, and figure out which repair option is right to meet your needs.

If you delay your trip to the dentist, your crowding may become worse. This, in turn, can lead to serious oral health issues that can affect your teeth, gums and jaw. In the meantime, make sure you are keeping your teeth and gums clean to the best of your ability.

Schedule your appointment today to repair the dental crowding that is occurring.

What Does Crowded Teeth Mean?