Ceramic Braces Maple Grove & Edina - Minneapolis Metro

Overcrowded and crooked teeth can not only make you feel self-conscious about your smile but they also are harder to clean and interfere with your bite. Not straightening the crowding can lead to a build-up of bacteria and plaque and cause the gums to recede. Gum recession and bacteria build-up can then cause loss of bone structure which can, in turn, cause the teeth to become loose or even fall out. Braces and other orthodontic appliances can straighten your teeth and give you a healthy, beautiful smile free of periodontal disease. Ceramic braces are significantly less noticeable than their metal counterparts. Children and adults can receive the orthodontic treatment they need without feeling conspicuous with a mouth full of metal.

Ceramic Braces vs Traditional Braces

Traditional braces are what most imagine when they think of braces. Metal brackets are cemented to the teeth with a metal wire running through the brackets to connect them. Ceramic braces are no different, except in the material that is used to fabricate them.

Ceramic braces are made from clear ceramic material instead of metal. The archwire used to connect the brackets is white and the ligatures used to hold the archwire to the bracket are transparent as well, making the ceramic bracket and wire system much less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

Both types may cause slight irritation on the inside of your cheeks but that can be alleviated with a little orthodontic wax applied to the brackets giving you trouble!

Effectiveness of Ceramic Braces

As with all orthodontic appliances, the effectiveness of ceramic braces depends on the extent of movement that needs to be accomplished. Patients with extreme overcrowding or misalignment will most benefit from traditional braces.

Since ceramic is not as strong a material as metal, it may not be appropriate for severe cases. Ceramic braces do not apply as much pressure or friction to the teeth and therefore may not be well suited to drastic movement. If you do not suffer from an extreme case of overcrowding or misalignment, you may be a candidate from ceramic braces. Your orthodontist will be able to determine if you will have success with ceramic braces or if you require the stronger movement of metal braces.

Oral Hygiene with Ceramic Braces

When you have ceramic braces, it is important to keep in mind that while the ceramic brackets will not stain with food and drink, but the ligatures holding the archwire in place can discolor with highly pigmented foods and beverages such as berries, red wine, coffee and tomato sauce can all cause staining. Smoking will also stain the ligatures so avoiding these things as much as possible will keep your braces looking clear. When you visit your orthodontist for adjustments, the ligatures will be changed so if they do become dingy and stained, they can be changed.

Adding extra steps to your oral care routine can never hurt when you are in braces. Brushing at least twice a day with a soft toothbrush, taking care to get the gum line and around the brackets and flossing daily, using an orthodontic threader where needed will keep your teeth and brackets clean. Rinsing with a fluoride mouthwash is also beneficial to help strengthen your teeth as they experience movement.

Cost of Ceramic Braces

Orthodontia is not cheap but it is an investment in the health and well being of your teeth for the long haul. Traditional braces range from $5000 to $7000 and if you choose to go with ceramic braces, you can expect to pay $500 to $600 more. A couple of factors to consider when looking into braces is where the office is located and what type of braces you want. Metropolitan areas are always going to be more costly than rural areas so it may not be a bad idea to look into offices in the suburbs if you live in a larger city.

Your orthodontist can determine what type of braces will be best for your individual needs to get the best possible outcome. They also may offer financing options with either a third party or in house so when you are discussing your treatment plan, inquire about their financial policy.

If you are considering braces for you or your child, speak with your dentist for recommendations on an orthodontist in your area. Your orthodontist will present your options and help you determine what you need to do to get a healthy, beautiful smile.

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To treat our patients as our families and to treat others as how we want to be treated. From your first phone call to the moment your new smile is born, everything in our office is set up to ensure an excellent experience with us. We will always listen to you and improve with your suggestions.

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We will continue to keep up with the ever growing digital technologies to improve your orthodontic experience. We also commit to always help you find the most convenient time for your visit with us.

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